The Guyana Water Incorporated is a Government of Guyana Corporation, which falls under the auspices of the Ministry of Communities and is governed by the Procurement Act of Guyana.

This is a Guide to the Procurement process at Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI). This information provides an overview of everything your company needs to know in order to do business with GWI. We are committed to expanding the availability of potable water throughout the country and in the process, helping businesses succeed in their goals and objectives, toward the overall economic growth of Guyana.  We look forward to working with you and your company in furthering this goal. 

The Guyana Water Incorporated strives to maintain the highest level of honesty, integrity, and public trust in all its endeavors.  We expect our suppliers and contractors to cooperate with us to ensure the integrity of our procurement processes.

When GWI purchases goods and services, the expectation is to obtain the highest quality at the lowest cost within the required timeframe.  Whenever practical, GWI would use the competitive public bidding procedures to acquire such goods and services, with an award made to the lowest qualified responsive/responsible bidder.  In the case of professional services, our objective is to identify businesses who, based upon their qualifications, experience and proposed cost, are aligned with the project needs, and offer the best value to GWI. The primary mechanism for procuring such services is through a publicly advertised solicitation process and direct procurement where necessary.

The procurement process for major projects is through public advertisement (Invitation for Bid), the CARICOM and GWI websites.  This bid document outlines the scope of the work as well as the contractual terms and selection criteria.  Submitted proposals are evaluated by an evaluation committee selected by the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB), based on a variety of weighted factors; which may include qualifications and experience of the firm and its staff, technical and management approach and cost.  Procurements may also be made according to other accepted practices and techniques, depending on the nature of the contract, business requirements and what is in the best interest of GWI.


Interested suppliers and contractors are encouraged to register online as a prequalified vendor via the link prequalification. GWI will seek to increase its solicitation process by posting opportunities on the website and feedback on contract awards via the web link.

GWI may set aside various procurement opportunities to members or groups in the outreach communities for certain contracts.  Price preferences may also be available in certain bids.

GWI appreciates the opportunity to provide business to the public with access to contract information via our website and welcomes suggestions to help us better serve the public interest.  

Informal bids, which are bids that are not advertised or publicly opened, may also be solicited by mail, email, facsimile transmittal or telephone, depending on the nature of the requirement and the estimated cost. 

The Procurement Department’s purpose is to procure quality goods and services, based on the principles of open competition and fairness with the highest level of integrity. The Procurement Department consists of two units; operations and contracts. The units provide services to its internal customers and ensure procedural and operational integrity, compliance, consistency and transparency of the procurement process are followed. The operations unit is responsible for operational and maintenance- type purchases, while the contracts unit focuses on major and minor infrastructural development projects throughout the country.

Procurement best practices, as well as innovative techniques and tools are employed to foster opportunities for participation in its solicitations in an effort to provide the best value to GWI.

The approval processes based on the spending limits are as follows:

$0 to G$15M Approval is within GWI

G$15M to G$20M approval by GWI Board

G$20 and over National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) and Cabinet


The bidding document will provide all the relevant information and instructions for the bidding process.

Each procurement is unique and may differ in some ways from the information set forth herein.  This Guide is intended to provide an overview of the mechanisms used within the Procurement Department to achieve the mission of GWI.  As a Supplier/contractor, you are critically involved in helping GWI meet its goals. Your participation in our solicitations provides an opportunity for your firm to serve GWI, while advancing your own business interests.  It is a continued commitment to fostering competition and creating opportunity, while allowing GWI to meet its goals.


Suppliers and Contractors Responsibilities

1.      To maintain the highest level of integrity and transparency and not to induce GWI employees to accept gifts and gratuities of any kind

2.       Not to be involved in any collusion with other suppliers or contractors

3.      Make every effort to participate in our solicitation process.

4.      To supply the correct quality materials as per the requirements and contractors to provide a high quality and standard of work.

5.      To ensure that materials are supplied on time as per your quotations and our order

6.      To ensure that your invoices are correct and references are made to our purchase order or contract number.


GWI’s Responsibilities

1.      Ensure that the procurement process is transparent and fair to the suppliers and contractors

2.      The employees shall maintain the highest level of integrity and transparency and not to accept any gifts and gratuities of any kind from suppliers and contractors

3.      To follow and abide by the procurement policies and procedures.

4.      Provide specifications that will promote competition in the bidding process

5.      Promote and build a professional partnership relationship with contractors and suppliers

6.      Provide feedback to suppliers and contractors on contract awards

7.      To ensure that suppliers and contractors are paid in accordance with their credit terms.