Region 4 East Bank Demerara
Region 4 – East Bank Demerara had a population of 58,294 persons and its operational areas ranged from Eccles on the East Bank of Demerara to Timehri and the Linden Highway up to Silver Hill with 17,574 households and 19,631 customers servicing 2,442, 1,669, and 2,987 customers respectively with service to twenty-one (21) communities. There are 13 pump stations which service thirty (30) communities and four (4) State facilities at Timehri. The operations provided service to 509 commercial, 18,989 domestic, 84 industrial and 49 institutional. There are 14 Schools and 8 Health Centers. GWI ensured that the regional health facilities and schools were provided with a reliable supply of safe potable water from pumps which operated 24 hours daily supplying water to the treatment plants which operated booster pumps for between 14 to 16 hours daily.
- 592-233-5024
- 592-233-5044
Regional Manager – Orion Dhanraj
Revenue Manager - Jallane Joseph