In 2016, Region 4 - Georgetown had a population of 126,180 persons and its operational areas ranged from Kingston Seawall to the North, Agricola Village to the South, Atlantic Ville to the East, and to the West which is Lombard Street with 38,040 households and a customer base of 31,859 with 1606 commercial, 25,733 domestic, 154 industrial, 7 institutional and 7,608 ‘no charge' customers. There were 37 schools and 8 health centers. Water distribution provided services to 18,933 metered and 12,926 unmetered domestic customers respectively, with a total of 31,859 customers. There were 1,625 metered, 190 unmetered commercial customers and 181 unmetered industrial customers. A total of 145,091 persons had access to potable water.

Address: 1 Church Street & Vlissengen Road, Bel Air Park, Georgetown
Telephone Number(s):
  • 592-225-0471 - 5

Regional Manager - Curtis Niles
Phone: 592-620-4813

Revenue Manager (ag) - Vensa Joseph
Phone: 592-620-5627