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De Willem Housing Scheme gets First-time Water Access

New home owners residing in De Willem Housing Scheme, Region 3 can comfortably access water on th... •••

Kato to benefit from improved water access

Residents of Kato, Region 8 (Potaro/Siparuni) can look forward to improved access to potable w... •••

New well in the pipelines for Lusignan, neighbouring communities

Preparations are underway for a new well to be drilled in the community of Lusignan to allevia... •••

New Sophia Well to be activated in One Week

(Georgetown, Wednesday, 27th January, 2021)- A new well in the com... •••

GWI assesses works needed at Linden Treatment Plants

Chief Executive Officer of Guyana Water Incorporated, Mr. Shaik Baksh and a technical team on ... •••

GWI working to provide water access in Moblissa & Bamia

The long wait by some 250 residents of Moblissa on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway for access to p... •••