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GWI addressing water access on Great Troolie Island

Just days after visiting the Great Troolie Island, Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) has already... •••

Well drilling commences in Wakenaam

As Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) strives to provide access to an adequate water supply for a... •••

Improved water supply for River’s View, Region 10

Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) will be working to improve the water supply for residents of R... •••

GWI advances well drilling at Five Miles, Bartica

Close to 100 households in the community of Five Miles, Bartica, Region 7 may soon benefit fro... •••

Fellowship well back in operation following technical difficulties

Some 3500 households from Hague to La Union on the West Coast of Demerara will now have their ... •••

GWI provides treated water to flooded Pomeroon communities

Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) in collaboration with the Region 2 Democratic Council on Wedne... •••