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Minister Croal Assures Hope Lowland Residents of Restored Water Pressure

Residents of the Hope Lowlands area on the East Coast of Demerara can expect their water suppl... •••

Improved water supply for Wakenaam residents with new well

A team from Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) will be mobilizing in a month's time to drill a ne... •••

Moblissa Residents to Enjoy 24-hr Potable Water Access

Access to potable water is now a dream come through for some residents of Moblissa, situated on ... •••

GWI Committed to completion of Georgetown Network Upgrades

The upgrading of transmission pipelines in the Kitty area has been extended beyond the March 3... •••

Over 20,000 EBD Customers to get Improved Water

An estimated 22,000 customers residing along the East Bank of Demerara will be able to boast o... •••

City pipe relocation may cause increased disruptions

The fast-tracking of the SheriffStreet/Mandela Avenue road expansion project may cause an incr... •••