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Region 9 CSOs undergoing Water & Sanitation training

Sixty four (64) Community Service Officers (CSOs) in Region 9 are undergoing a two day training e... •••

Community Service Officers to be Trained in Water System Management

(Georgetown, Wednesday, 2nd March, 2022)- A Memorandum of Understa... •••

GWI aiming to install 20,000 water meters this year

Guyana Water Incorporated in its quest to achieve its 2025 goal of 85 percent metering along t... •••

New water well completed at Wakenaam

A new well drilled at Noitgedacht on the island of Wakenaam in Region 3 has been activated, re... •••

GWI Cemetery Road Project nearing completion

The Guyana Water Incorporated’s three-month Cemetery Project is nearing completion with all 94... •••

GWI awards nineteen (19) bursaries

Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) has awarded nineteen (19) bursaries to children of its employe... •••